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Palača nomada

10 teza o arhitekturi tranzita

Nomad Palace

10 theses on architecture of transit

Osipanjem industrije, na kojoj se suvremeni grad razvijao u posljednjih 50 godina, građani Splita su sve češće prisiljeni putovati u potrazi za poslom, edukacijom i blagostanjem. Pridodaju li se tome turisti iz čitavog svijeta koji putuju prema obali i otocima, studenti i đaci sa otoka, sezonski radnici, radnici na određeno te svi mogući migranti i imigranti semantičkog kapitalizma jasno je da koncentracija suvremenih nomada u lučkim dijelovima grada daleko nadmašuje sjedilačko stanovništvo.

With the collapse of industry the citizens of Split are even more forced to move in search for employment, education and welfare. If we add to that the tourists traveling toward the coast, the scholars from the islands, seasonal labor force, part time workers and all other migrants and immigrants of the semantic capitalism it is clear that the concentration of contemporary nomads in the port area of the city is by far greater than the sedentary population.

Crveni peristil - Split 1968.                                                            Red Peristil - Split 1968.

1 - Split je grad nastao iz palače.

Split = Spalato = palazzo  = palača
Palača, kuća namijenjena jednoj osobi (caru Dioklecijanu), transformirana je snagom mnoštva koje se u njoj skrasilo u pluralnu urbanu strukturu, tvoreći na taj način fizičke preduvjete za razvoj lokalne samouprave, autonomije i demokracije.
Grad nije nastao samo recikliranjem postojeće palače i njezine arhitekture, već i zračenjem njezine forme po raznim krajevima Splita. Geometrija palače prisutna je u nekoliko dijelova grada poput Splita 3, Kineskog zida, bolnice i stanova na Poljudu. Stoga palača nije samo rodno mjesto grada, već je čitav prostor grada naboran zračenjima palače.

1 - Split is a city that arouse out of the palace.

Split = Spalato = palazzo  = palace
Palace – house designed for one person (Emperor Diocletian) – was transformed into a plural urban structure by the strength of the multitude that settled inside of it. By transforming it they made for themselves physical preconditions necessary for the development of local self-management, autonomy and democracy.
   The city didn’t develop just from recycling the existing palace and its architecture. The form of the palace was transmitted in different areas of Split. Its geometry is present in several parts of the city such as Split 3 (the pedestrian street parallel to Palace`s Cardo), Chinese Wall (housing block that is the same length as the Palace wall), hospital (fictive prolongation of the Decumanus) and housing in Poljud district (in the same grid as the Palace). So the Palace is not just the birth place of the city – the entire urban space of Split is striated by its radiations.


2 - „U Splitu  građevina biva analogno upućena na formu grada. Iz toga proizlazi da i građevina može biti projektirana po analogiji grada.“ Aldo Rossi

Pouka transformacije Dioklecijanove palače ne leži toliko u nabrajanju njezine geometrije u širem okolišu, niti u ponavljanju istog procesa danas (suvremeno skvotersko mnoštvo se uopće ne referira na splitski slučaj kada zauzima napuštene zgrade i razmontirava ih u autonomna mjesta). Današnja poruka ovog događaja nastanka grada je: ako je Split grad projektiran po analogiji palače, reverzibilan proces bio bi projektiranje palače po analogiji Splita.

2 - “In Split the building is analogically referred to the form of the city. From this follows that buildings can be designed analogically to the city.” Aldo Rossi

The learning from the Diocletian Palace does not lay so much in the multiplication of its geometry, nor in repeating the same process today (modern squatters don’t refer to this specific case at all when they occupy abandoned building and transform it into an autonomous place). The contemporary message of this ancient event from which a new city emerged is: if the Split is a city designed analogically to the palace, the reversible process would be to design a palace analogically to the city.

3 - Split je platforma za tranzit

Svojom lokacijom između arhipelaga jadranskih otoka i zaleđa Split se razvio u pomorsku putničku luku kroz koju trenutno fluktuira 4 milijuna putnika godišnje. Osipanjem industrije, na kojoj se suvremeni grad razvijao u posljednjih 50 godina, građani Splita su sve češće prisiljeni putovati u potrazi za poslom, edukacijom i blagostanjem. Pridodaju li se tome turisti iz čitavog svijeta koji putuju prema obali i otocima, studenti i đaci sa otoka, sezonski radnici, radnici na određeno te svi mogući migranti i imigranti semantičkog kapitalizma jasno je da koncentracija suvremenih nomada u lučkim dijelovima grada daleko nadmašuje sjedilačko stanovništvo.

3 - Split is a platform for transit of nomads.

Due to its location between the archipelago of Adriatic islands and the inland, the city of Split has developed into a sea port with 4 million passengers per year. With the collapse of industry, which was the key motor of development of the city in last 50 years, the citizens of Split are even more forced to move in search for employment, education and welfare. If we add to that the tourists from all over the world, who are travelling toward the coast and the islands, the students and pupils from the islands, seasonal labour force, part time workers and all other migrants and immigrants of the semantic capitalism it is clear that the concentration of contemporary nomads in the port area of the city is by far greater than the concentration of sedentary population.

4 - Ako je nomadsko mnoštvo transformiralo carevu palaču u grad, reverzibilan proces bio bi transformiranje grada u palaču nomada.

Upravo je nomadsko mnoštvo, taj najbrojniji, ali i najagilniji segment suvremenog grada, sposobno kanalizirati svoju energiju, koja se oslobađa njihovim kretanjem i istraživanjem, u ključni reverzibilni moment – projektiranja palače po analogiji grada. Iako se dugo vremena smatralo da nomadi ne poznaju arhitekturu, sve je jasnije da je zauzimanje teritorija kroz zadržavanje između kretanja glavna karakteristika nomadske arhitekture. Ovo zadržavanje zahtjeva jednu palaču iščekivanja, palaču praznine.

4 - If the nomadic multitude transformed the emperor’s palace into the city, the reversible process would be to transform the city into the nomad`s palace.

As the most numerous and also the most agile segment of contemporary metropolis, the nomad multitudes are capable to focus their energy (released through the movement and exploration) into a key moment of this reversion - the design of a palace analogically to the city. Although it was for a long time believed that the nomads are not familiar with architecture, it becomes more and more clear that the occupation of the territory by settling in-between two movements is the main characteristic of the nomad architecture. This retention demands a palace of expectancy, a palace of voids.

5 - Nomadi zahtijevaju prostor kretanja, njihovu palaču definiraju putanje, a ne zidine.

„Iako nomadska putanja (trajektorija) može slijediti uobičajene staze ili putove, ona nema funkciju sjedilačkog puta ili ceste koja ljudima parcelira i omeđuje prostor, pripisujući svakoj osobi njegov dio, te uređuje promet i komunikaciju između tih dijelova. Nomadska putanja čini suprotno, ona distribuira ljude (ili životinje) u jedan otvoren prostor, neodređen, nekomunikativan.“ Gilles Deleuze i Félix Guattari, Treatise on Nomadology – The War Machine.
   Reverzibilan proces trasiranju carda i decumanusa, koji parceliraju palaču u 4 jednaka dijela, bio bi tretiranje prometnica kao putanja koje ne ovise o morfologiji grada već isključivo o distribuciji nomada kroz teritorij.

5 - Nomads demand space of flows, their palace is defined by trajectories, not walls.

“The trajectory of the nomad, even where it follows tracks or customary paths, doesn't have the same function as the path of the sedentary that parcels out an enclosed space for people, assigning each person a share and regulating the communication between shares. The nomadic trajectory is completely different: it distributes people (or animals) in an open space, one that is indefinite and non-communicating.” Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Treatise on Nomadology – The War Machine.
   The process which would be reversible to the parceling of the Diocletian palace in four equal segments by using Cardo and Decumanus would be to treat roads as trajectories that don’t rely on urban morphology but exclusively on the distribution of nomads through space.

6 - Nomadska palača je stroj (a ne aparat).

Stroj je kombinacija elemenata od kojih je svaki specijaliziran za određenu funkciju, što ga razlikuje od aparata kao strukture sastavljene od jednakih dijelova (vidi: državni aparat). Također ono što karakterizira stroj je da on djeluje na ljudsko upravljanje te je stoga čovjekova kinetička ekstenzija, za razliku od aparata koji je neovisan od ljudskog faktora.
   Ako je Dioklecijanova palača uspješno transformirana u aparat gradske strukture, nomadi zahtijevaju suprotno – stvaranje stroja kojim mogu navigirati i koji pospješuje njihovu distribuciju i kretanje.

6 - Nomad palace is a machine (not an apparatus).

A machine is assembled out of elements each of them specialized for different function, which differences a machine from an apparatus - a structure made out of analogous parts (see state apparatus). The other characteristic of a machine is that it operates under human control therefore it is man`s kinetic extension, while apparatus remains independent from any human intervention.
   If the people successfully transformed Diocletian palace into a municipal apparatus, the nomads demand opposite – the creation of a machine with whom they can navigate and therefore upgrade their distribution and movement.

7 - Ako nomadski stroj zahtjeva neomeđeni prostor kretanja tada teren prestaje biti zemljom i teži da postane tlom, odnosno podrškom kretanju.

Kada se pojam terena odvoji od zemlje tada on nije više roba definirana kategorijom parcele (putem koje zemlja ulazi u tržište nekretnina), već postaje podrška koja premošćuje prepreke i omogućava fluktuiranje. Palača Nomada razvija jedan takav javni teritorij pješaka iznad putanja vozila, koji dozvoljava nesmetano lutanje iznad cesta i pruga, a koji spaja čvorišta nomadskog stroja, poput željezničke i autobusne stanice, pomorskih terminala i smještajnih prostora.

7 - If the nomad machine demands unlimited space of flows then the territory ceases to be land and tends to become ground, or support to the movement.

When the concept ground is detached from the concept of land then it seizes to be a commodity defined by categories such as plots (which translates the land into a real estate system). Ground then becomes a support that bridges the barriers and enables fluctuations. The Nomad Palace develops such pedestrian public territory above the traffic infrastructure. This lifted soil allows free drifting above cars and trains and it creates nodes of the nomadic machine on the junctions of trajectories. These nodes then become ideal places for train and bus station or sea port terminal.

8 - Odvajanjem od tla Palača Nomada razvija glatki prostor.

Ako je grad nastao naboravanjem (pregrađivanjem i progušćivanjem) prostora palače tada reverzibilan proces razvoja palače iz grada nastaje zaglađivanjem postojećeg prostora.
  Disperzan prostor Palače Nomada drži zajedno isključivo pokret, spojen je mnoštvom koje kroz njega trčkara, a u mjestima koncentracije i zadržavanja nastaju nakupine sadržaja – gravitacijske crne rupe u kontinuiranom glatkom prostoru.

8 - By detaching itself from the ground the Nomad palace develops a smooth space.

To develop a palace out of city we need to reverse the process once more. If the city of Split was created by striating (reconstructing and densifying) the space of the existing palace then the reversible process would be smoothing the space of the existing city.
   The unique force that holds together the disperse space of the Nomad Palace is the movement. The Palace is connected by a multitude that scatters through it and forms an accumulation of content only in places of dense concentration of movement. These places are gravity black holes in the continuous smooth space of the Palace.

9 - Ako je palača nomada glatki prostor tada je njena struktura puki rezultat savladavanja sile teže, neovisan od sadržaja ili forme.

Nomadski izumi, poput šatora, utjecali su na razvoj nosivih konstrukcija i arhitekture obješenih konstrukcija, “tensegrity” sistema, balonskih privremenih konstrukcija i raznih drugih super-struktura. Svojstvo svih tih šatorskih oblika je natkrivanje prostora (privremeno ili trajno) bez obzira na to koje aktivnosti se odvijaju ispod krova.

9 - If the Nomad palace is a smooth space then its structure is merely the result of overcoming gravity, regardless of the content or form.

The nomad`s inventions, such as the tent, influenced the development of support structures, suspended architecture, tensegrity, temporary balloon systems and many different super-structures. The common characteristic of all these tent forms is the coverage of space (temporarily or permanently) regardless of what kind of activities are taking place under it.

10 - Stvorena kao glatki prostor kretanja, bez zidina aparata, Palača Nomada nije utočište nego stroj namijenjen bijegu, od dokolice, siromaštva i kontrole.

Palača je namijenjena svim vrstama nomada; turistima, radnicima, nezaposlenima, migrantima, imigrantima, školarcima, avanturistima. Oni u Palači izmjenjuju svoja iskustva, neki odlaze u potragu za boljim životom, poslom i blagostanjem, drugi se pak nadaju da će otkriti nešto novo i vanjsko, nešto što ne pripada njihovom svijetu. Međutim, ono što im omogućava stvaranje vlastitog prostora je zajednički poriv za bjekstvom od sadašnjice.

10 - Made as a smooth space of movements, without walls of apparatus, the Nomad palace is not a shelter but the machine that enables escape; from leisure, poverty and control.

The Palace is designed of all sorts of nomads – tourists, precarious workers, unemployed, migrants, immigrants, scholars, adventurists... They exchange their experiences inside the Palace; some of them are searching for a better life, work and well-being, while others are hoping to find something new through a voyage, something that doesn’t belong to their world. However, one thing which enables them to create their own immanent space is the common urge to escape from the present.

Deset teza o arhitekturi tranzita napisane su kao sastavni dio natječajnog rada za putničku luku u Splitu, 2011.


Obrazloženje natječajnog rada: Rad baziran na neadekvatnim i prostorno neprimjenjivim filozofskim postavkama niti u jednom
segmentu ne doprinosi artikulaciji prostora istočne obale.
Neskromno nastojeći postaviti teoriju arhitekture, služeći se pojmovima i riječima koje po principu
kolaža ili verbalnog patchworka spaja u tzv. „teze o arhitekturi“, otkriva nesnalaženje u prostornoj
primjeni svojih tzv. teoretskih postavki.
Rad karakterizira pokušaj da se prostor strateški definira, da mu se odredi svrha i razlog. Međutim,
iznesene teze, a pogotovo nominirani korisnici i predložene namjene, u kontradikciji su sa samim
sobom, a pogotovo s ovim vrijednim gradskim prostorom.
Autor na osnovnom nivou brka pojmove kreirajući „palaču nomada“ sa svim svojim semantičkim i
konotativnim značenjima, negirajući na nivou teorije klasične prostorne elemente, a istovremeno
gradeći čvrste i realne strukture s jasnim funkcijama i sadržajima.
Baratajući pojmovima koji su međusobno u kontradikciji (nomadi i grad, aparat i struktura, i sl.) i koji
su istovremeno u potpunoj suprotnosti s pojmom grada, autor svejedno ne uspijeva stvoriti prostor
željene socijalne osviještenosti niti uspijeva ostati konceptualno dosljedan. Gradeći kompletnu
infrastrukturu, velebnu zgradu kruzerskog pristaništa i kongresni centar, autor nema potrebu
razmišljati u ekonomskim okvirima, a bez obzira na deklamirano ljevičarski pristup nije u stanju
suspregnuti svoj sitno buržoaski arhitektonski ego i potrebu da ipak napravi najveću kuću u Splitu.
Nedosljedan rad na nivou pamfleta, u kojem autor s vidnim nedostatkom promišljanja, kako o prostoru
gradske luke tako i o teoretskim osnovama na kojima ga bazira, pokušava postaviti strategiju razvoja
ovog i šireg gradskog prostora.

Protokol o natječaju - konačno izvješće ocjenjivačkog suda, Split, srpanj 2012.

Ten theses on architecture of transit are written as a part of the competition project for passenger harbour in the city of Split, 2011.


Description of the project: Project is based on inadequate and spatially inapplicable philosophical premises that don't contribute in any segment to the articulation of space of Split's East coast. Immodestly trying to set the theory of architecture, making collage of therms and words like a verbal patchwork that is melted in so-called “thesis on architecture”, the author reveals his complete disorientation in applying his so-called theoretical setting in real space. The project is trying to define space strategically, to give it a purpose and reason. However, written thesis and especially imagined users and their program are in contradiction with themselves and in even bigger contradiction with this valuable urban space. The author mixes therms on the basic level; he creates “nomad palace” with it's semantic and connotative meaning that denies on the level of theory classical spatial elements, but in the same time he builds solid and real structures with clear functions and program. By using opposite therms (nomads and city, apparatus and structure, etc.), which are in the same time in complete opposition to the notion of the city, the author still fails to create desirable space of social awareness, nor he succeeds to stay conceptually coherent. While he designs complete infrastructure, huge terminal building and congress center the author doesn't fell the need to think in economic framework. Regardless of his declarative leftist approach, the author is not capable to suppress his petite-bourgeois architectural ego and his need to make the biggest house in Split. This is inconsistent project made on the level of pamphlet in which the author with clear lack of reflection (regarding the space of the harbor and also the theoretical basis) is trying to make a strategy for wider urban area.

Competition protocol – jury's final report, Split, May 2012.