Mreža solidarnosti

Inicijativa umjetnika, aktivista, anarhista, studenata, radnika i drugih koji se žele solidarizirati s društvenim skupinama kojima su zanijekana prava. Njezino članstvo nije ograničeno. Važno je jedino da želimo surađivati, razgovarati i djelovati sa SVIMA koji su spremni boriti se protiv depresivnog društva liberalne demokracije.

Mreža solidarnosti

Solidarity Network is the initiative of artists, activists, anarchists, students, workers and others who want to show solidarity with the social groups who have denied rights. Its membership is unlimited - the only important condition is that we want to cooperate, discuss and act with ALL who are willing to fight against the depressive society of liberal democracy.


Pravo na Grad

Inicijativa i kampanja usmjerena protiv prekomjerne ekonomske eksploatacije prostora, upravljanja prostorom na štetu javnog interesa, neodržive prostorne politike i isključivanja građana iz odluka o prostornom razvoju Zagreba. Inicijativa je pokrenuta kao suradnja organizacija civilnog društva s područja mladih i nezavisne kulture. Sve aktivnosti se provode u partnerstvu sa Zelenom akcijom.

Pravo na Grad

Right to the City is an initiative and campaign directed against excessive economic exploitation of space, mismanagement of space against the public interest, unsustainable spatial policy and exclusion of citizens from the urban development of Zagreb. The initiative is a collaboration of youth civil society organizations  and independent culture. All activities are conducted in partnership with the Green Action.



praksa koju su 2000. godine pokrenuli arhitekti Ana Džokić and Marc Neelen između Beograda i Rotterdama.


A practice based between Rotterdam and Belgrade, set up in 2000 by the architects Ana Džokić and Marc Neelen. STEALTH is one of the protagonists pointing to the responsibilities and capacities of architecture in contemporary societies, and acts between the fields of artistic research, spatial interventions, curation and cultural activism.

Srđ je naš

„Srđ je naš!“ je inicijativa građana Dubrovnika koji se protive projektu apartmanizacije Srđa.

Srđ je naš

“Srđ is ours!” is a an initiative by citizens of Dubrovnik who oppose the project of tourist resort on Srđ.