Operater resursa
Prostorni uređaj za zamišljanje neposrednog prostora broj 1
Resource operator
Spatial device for imagining an unmediated space n.1
Prostor, teritorij, zemlja – sve su to površine na koje socijalne instance, prvenstveno političke, upisuju značenje. Tim upisivanjem značenja nastaju kategorije od kojih možemo sastavljati grad. Budući da je u kapitalizmu vlasništvo označitelj koji posjeduje najsnažniju moć projiciranja i upisivanja značenja nad terenom, tada kategorije za sastavljanje grada ne mogu biti drugačije nego: parcele, katastarske čestice, građevinske čestice, vlasnički listovi, koncesije…
Space, territory and land are categories onto which social instances, at first place political ones, are inscribing meaning. Through this inscribing, categories which constitute notion of the city are being created. Being that ownership in capitalism is the most powerful signifier and the only notion that inscribes and projects meaning over territory, the categories by which city is assembled cannot be but: parcels, cadastre plots, property rights, concessions…
Michael Hardt konstatira taj problem riječima: „Ako govorimo o područjima kao što su vojne zone u Puli, ako one sad postanu vlasništvo, one postaju ekskluzivne. Građani ne samo da nemaju mogućnost profitirati od tih područja, već ni donositi odluke o njima.“ No u istoj rečenici se nagovještava i mogućnost nadilaženja tog problema: Što kada bi se ekskluzivnost vlasništva zamijenila inkluzivnim sustavom direktnog političkog odlučivanja? Ne bi li se tada označitelj, koji upisuje modele upravljanja / korištenja u teren, zamijenio? Umjesto vlasništva to bi tada postao kolektivni organizam građana – korisnika i proizvođača prostora u jednom.
Michael Hardt detects a problem with these words:
„If we are talking about territories like the military territories in Pula, if they now become property, they are exclusive, they are not only closed off from people to profit from, but they are also closed off from the decision making of the citizens.“ But the very same sentence indicates also the possibility of overcoming this: What if the exclusivity of ownership was to be replaced with an inclusive system of direct political decision making? Wouldn’t then the signifier, that which inscribes modes ofmanagement/use of the terrain, be changed? Instead of ownership, that signifier would become a collective body of citizens – users and producers of space at the same time.
Pokušajmo zamisliti jedan drugačiji način operiranja prostornim resursima. Inicijative, sa kojima smo razgovori, nude nam čitav niz mogućnosti za kolektivnim upravljanjem (poput zadruge, udruge, inicijative, neformalne grupe), odlučivanjem (poput plenuma, zbora, vijeća) i nadzorom (poput sindikata i stožera) koje su sami zahtijevali ili primjenjivali tijekom borbe. Ova iskustva poslužila su konstruiranju mogućeg drugačijeg upravljanja prostorom grada na primjeru Pule. Putanjom kružnice koja spaja sva područja grada oko zaljeva postavljena su tri pomična diska u koji su upisani različiti kolektivni principi a) upravljanja, b) odlučivanja i c) nadzora nad prostorom. Njihovim pomicanjem korisnici mogu sami istražiti koji od navedenih modela upravljanja, odlučivanja i nadzora najbolje odgovara kojim situacijama, a sjene tih odluka projiciraju se na topografiju Pule mijenjajući pritom značenje samog prostora grada.
Let’s try and imagine a different way of operating spatial resources. We talked with different Initiatives which have provided a line of options for collective management (such as Cooperative, Association, Initiative, Informal group), decision making (such as Plenum, Assembly, Council) as well as control over resources (Union, Committee) which they themselves have demanded and applied through the course of their struggle. These different experiences helped us to construct a method to define possible alternatives for the categories that constitute the city of Pula. In this device, we connect all of the city areas around the bay with a circle on whose trajectory we have placed three rotating disks onto which different collective principles of: a) management, b) decision making and c) control of resources are inscribed. By rotating these disks, users themselves can make different combinations of management, decision making and control while the shadows of those decisions are projected on the terrain of Pula, thus changing the meaning of space itself.