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Novo gradsko groblje u Zadru

natječajni rad

New civic cemetary in Zadar

a competition entry


Jerolim Mladinov, Jose Garcia Perpiñá, Inés Alomar Rodenas, ///, suradnici:, María Martínez Múgica, Joanna Ejsmont, Marta Gual

Tipološki se predlaže hibrid mediteranskog groblja ograđenog zidovima i perivoja otvorenog tipa.
Kružni Paviljon velikog mjerila ne uspostavlja hijerarhije odnosa prema  kontekstu koji se treba tek formirati u budućnosti.

The typology of this proposal features a hybrid Mediterranean cemetery surrounded by walls and an open park.
A circular, large-scale Pavilion establishes a non-hierarchical plan that values and prioritizes flexibility for its yet to be determined surrounding context.

Krajolik Ravnih Kotara kontinuirano prolazi kroz groblje, a svetost je markirana  trijemom -  prostorom tranzicije, lebdećim prstenom koji uokviruje grupe čempresa definirajući mjesto.
Ortogonalnost u organizaciji grobnih polja preuzeta je iz postojeće rimske centurijacije na lokaciji, a objekti krematorija i parkirališne zone tretirani su kao polja s mejama  koja formiraju plintu groblja.

The proposal blends the landscape of Ravni Kotari throughout the grounds of the cemetery, all the while preserving the sanctity of the cemetery through a marked canopy – a space of transition and floating ring that embraces the groves of Cypress trees which are the primary character defining features of the site.
The orthogonal organization of the graveyard plots is transposed from the existing system of Roman land division.

Trijem s kolonadama preuzima sve ostale sadržaje, gdje se različitim geometrijskim tretmanom jednog elementa – stupa  – i njegovim  međuodnosima  kreiraju ambijenti i prostori u ovisnosti o funkciji.

The canopy, which is varied by a geometric treatment of one single element – a column, creates different relations among each column, allows for different settings that rely on particular function.

Grobna polja u odnosu na topografiju formiraju u presjeku “klinove” koji u sebi integriraju sve tipove ukopa: u grobnice, grobne niše i urne. Njih organizira “razlomljena” svečana aleja kojom se ostvaruju ambijenti manjeg mjerila s proširenjima, trgovima s česmama i vizualnim prodorima.

The sections of the burial plots are designed to form ‘wedges’ in relation to the topography, thereby fully integrating the various options for burial: traditional grave, columbarium, and urn. The ceremonial avenue (primary walkway) is the element that organizes the wedges, creating smaller scale areas that include wider spaces, squares with fountains, and scenic vistas.