bool(true) bool(false) bool(false)


dodatak kući u Loboriki


house extension in Loborika

Uz postojeću obiteljsku kuću smješten je stambeni dodatak. Ulaz u dodatak ostvaruje se preko postojećeg podesta vanjskog stubište kuće, a kontakt s terenom putem dva nova potporna zida uz podrumski ulaz. Unutrašnji prostor sastoji se od spavaće galerije i donje dnevne razine, čije se minimalne dimenzije dijelom kompenziraju visinom prostora. Svojim izrazom i funkcijom dodatak postaje autonoman element prislonjen uz zid postojeće obiteljske kuće.

 The new House Annex is situated next to the existing family house. The Annex entrance is connected with existing landing of outdoor stairs, while the contact with the ground is made using two walls next to the basement entrance. The interior consists from upper gallery and lower living area, where the hight of space compensates its minimal dimensions. With its expression and function Annex becomes an autonomous element aligned with the existing family house wall.