bool(true) bool(false) bool(false)

Što činiti?

prijevod Godardovog manifesta u arhitekturu

What is to be done?

translating Godard`s manifesto into architecture

01. Moramo stvarati javni prostor za zajednicu

02. Moramo stvarati zajednički prostor iz javnog

03.  1 i 2 su u suprotnosti i pripadaju oprečnim viđenjima svijeta

01. We must make public spaces for the community

02. We must make common spaces out of the public

03. 1 and 2 are antagonistic to each other and belong to two opposing conception of the world

04. 1 pripada idealiziranoj i transcendentalnoj viziji svijeta

05. 2 pripada zajedničkoj i imanentnoj predodžbi svijeta

06. Zajedničko je u sukobu s idealiziranim, imanentno s transcendentalnim

07. Ovaj sukob je sukob između postojećeg i potencijalnog, između postojećih ideja i potencijalnih

08. Društveni odnosi među ljudima stvaraju njihove zajedničke ideje

09. Sukob između postojećeg i potencijalnog je sukob oko prava na pristup

10. Provoditi 1 znači surađivati sa sustavom koji isključuje

11. Provoditi 2 znači uspostavljati komunal

04. 1 belongs to the idealistic and transcendental conception of the world

05. 2 belongs to the commons and the immanent conception of the world

06. Commons struggle against idealism and the immanent against the transcendental

07. This struggle is the struggle between the actual and the potential, between actual ideas and potential ones

08. The social relations of people generate their common ideas

09. The struggle between the actual and the potential is the struggle for access

10. To carry out 1 is to collaborate with a system of enclosures

11. To carry out 2 is to take up the re-appropriation of the commons

12. Provoditi 1 znači izvesti predodžbu trenutnog stanja stvari

13. Provoditi 2 znači izvoditi odlučne korake u odlučujućim trenucima

14. Provoditi 1 znači iscrtati CRVENI PLAN Pule

15. Provoditi 2 znači boriti se da gradska vlast u Puli prihvati CRVENI PLAN kao stvarno stanje

16. Provoditi 1 znači razumjeti zakone objektivnog svijeta radi izgradnje takvog svijeta

17. Provoditi 2 znači razumjeti zakone objektivnog svijeta radi promjene takvog svijeta

12. To carry out 1 is to build a representation of the situations

13. To carry out 2 is to build concrete steps in a concrete situation

14. To carry out 1 is to draw the RED PLAN of Pula

15. To carry out 2 is to struggle for the recognition of the RED PLAN by the government of Pula

16. To carry out 1 is to understand the laws of the objective world in order to construct that world

17. To carry out 2 is to understand the laws of the objective world in order to actively transform that world

18. Provoditi 1 znači riješavati probleme javnog prostora Arhitekturom

19. Provoditi 2 znači arhitektonskim alatima iznositi probleme u javni prostor

20. Provoditi 2 znači hakirati 1 oboružani kritikom i samo-kritikom

21. Provoditi 1 znači ponuditi prerađene slike kao opis javnih događanja u ime sudjelovanja korisnika

22. Provoditi 2 znači ne krivotvoriti prerađene  slike javnih događanja u ime tzv. sudjelovanja korisnika

18. To carry out 1 is to solve the problems of public space with Architecture

19. To carry out 2 is to use architectural tools to take problems out into the public

20. To carry out 2 is to hack 1 with the weapons of criticism and self-criticism.

21. To carry out 1 is to give a rendered explanation of public events it the name of participation processes

22. To carry out 2 is not to fabricate over rendered images of the public events  in the name of so-called participation

23. Provoditi 1 znači reći kako su stvari prave. (Brecht)

24. Provoditi 2 znači reći kakve su stvari zapravo. (Brecht)

25. Provoditi 2 znači stvoriti nove apetite, nove gladi, a ne rješavati probleme.  Arhitektura je prespora da bi rješavala probleme. (Cedric Price)

26. Provoditi 1 znači napraviti plan, a potom naseliti prostor

27. Provoditi 2 znači naseliti prostor, a potom ga zajednički planirati, imajući na umu da je planiranje podređeno bivanju, a urbanizam politici

28. Provoditi 1 znači graditi ekološke i zelene projekte

29. Provoditi 2 znači znati da ekologija nije samo fizička, već da postoji i mentalna i socijalna ekologija (Guattari); znati da je svatko od nas mnoštvo

23. To carry out 1 is to say how things are real (Brecht)

24. To carry out 2 is to say how things really are (Brecht)

25. To carry out 2 is create new appetites, new hungers and not to solve problems; architecture is too slow to solve problems. (Cedric Price)

26. To carry out 1 is to make a plan for a space and then inhabit it

27. To carry out 2 is to inhabit a space and then co-plan it following this: it is habitation which commands planning and it is politics which commands urbanism

28. To carry out 1 is to build ecological and green projects

29. To carry out 2 is to know that ecology is not only physical but there is also a mental and social ecology (Guattari) to know that each of us are many

30. Provoditi 2 znači istraživati mogućnosti otvorenog pristupa koristeći alate poput konstrukcije i programa

31. Provoditi 2 znači istraživati potencijal zajedničke proizvodnje prostora

32. Provoditi 2 znači usuditi se znati gdje se nalazimo i odakle dolazimo, osvijestiti našu poziciju u procesu proizvodnje kako bi ga znali hakirali

33. Provoditi 2 znači poznavati razvoj društvenih borbi i biti inspiriran njima

34. Provoditi 2znači proizvoditi tehnička znanja koja nam služe u društvenim borbama i njihovom napretku

35. Provoditi 2 znači biti svjestan da je arhitektura sporedna aktivnost, samo jedna cigla u revoluciji

30. To carry out 2 is to study the potential of open access using constructions and programs

31. To carry out 2 is to study the potential of common production of space

32. To carry out 2 is to dare to know where we are and where we came from to know our place in the process of production in order to hack it

33. To carry out 2 is to to know the development of social struggles and to be inspired by them

34. To carry out 2 is to produce technical knowledge for social struggles and their development

35. To carry out 2 is to know that architecture is a secondary activity, a small brick in the revolution

36. Provoditi 2 znači koristiti se konstrukcijama i programima kao zubima i usnama kojima grizemo

37. Provoditi 1 znači samo otvoriti oči uši

38. Provoditi 2 znači biti obavješten o lutanjima druga Jerolima Mladinova (aka Jere)

39. Provoditi 2 znači biti aktivist.

36. To carry out 2 is to use constructions and programs as teeth and lips to bit with

37. To carry out 1 is only to open the eyes and the ears

38. To carry out 2 is to be aware of the wonderings of comrade José Pérez de Lama (aka Osfa)

39. To carry out 2 is to be militant.

Prezentirano u Kitchen Monumentu grupe RaumlaborBerlin na 12. bijenalu arhitekture u Veneciji, 26. kolovoza 2010.
Presented in RaumlaborBerlin`s Kitchen Monument at 12. Bienalle of Architecture in Venice, 26. August 2010.