Video prilog o Muzilu
dio BRID-ovog istraživanja
Video about Muzil
part of OWID research
Video prilog o Muzilu u produkciji Baze za radničku inicijativu i demokratizaciju (BRID). Video je dio šireg istraživanja o građanskim i radničkim borbama koje BRID provodi u više gradova Hrvatske, a u Puli u suradnji sa zadrugom Praksa i inicijativom za Muzil Volim Pulu. Istraživanje se provodi uz financijsu pomoć Rosa Luxemburg fondacije.
Video about Muzil is produced by Organisation for Worker`s Initiative and Democratisation (OWID). Video is a part of a wider research that includes different citizens and workers struggle in few cities in Croatia. OWID cooperated with Praksa Coop and the Initiative for Muzil I Love Pula on the Pula cases. The research is made with the financial support of Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.