bool(true) bool(false) bool(false)


Uredba o zaštičenom obalnom pojasu


Regulation on the protection of the coastal area

Uredba o zaštiti obalnog pojasa i mora uvedena je 2004. godine te predstavlja simboličnu prelomnu točku u režimskom tretiranju obale isključivo kao resursa za turističku namjenu, bez obzira da li je ta obala naseljena ili nije, da li na njoj postoje gradovi i zajednice koje ne smatraju da bi se trebale baviti turizmom. Tim činom je uvedena teritorijalna segregacija na one koji žive dalje od 1000 metara od obale i one koji žive bliže od 1000 metara od obale.

Regulation on the protection of the coastal area and the sea was introduced in the year 2004. It was the symbolic break point in the regime's treatment of coast solely as a resource necessary for tourist development, regardless of whether the coastal area is populated or not, if there are some cities in the area and communities that don`t want to work in tourist industry. With that act a territorial segregation was implemented on those who live further than 1000 meters from the coast and those who live closer.

Pulska grupa odlučila se sudjelovati na umjetničkom festivalu Jadran Polis Europa, koji se održao od 21. do 23. Svibnja 2009. godine pod temom Turistički grad sa intervencijom ispisivanja pet članaka sporne uredbe na derutni zid bivše tiskare. Tim činom se u prvom redu javnosti obznanila apstraktna kategorija zakona koja dominira nad našim životima, a u drugom redu se taj isti zakon prepustio realnosti vlažnog zida – da zajedno s njim propada…

Pulska grupa participated in the art festival Jadran Polis Europa (which was held from 21 to 23 May 2009 under the theme of Tourist City) with an intervention of writing five articles of the controversial Regulation on the devastated wall of the former print shop. With this act the abstract category of law that dominates our lives was primarily revealed to the public, but secondary the same law was left on the reality of a devastated wall – so that they collapse together....