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Pitur polica

Police za Sajam knjiga u Puli

Pitur shelf

Shelfs for Book Fair in Pula

Pitur polica sadrži elemente ready made-a i minimalizma. Konstrukcija se sastoji od gotovih drvenih ljestvi koje se lako mogu naći na tržištu, dok su  police izrađene od furnirane iverice standardne debljine. Police se slažu na ljestve bez vijaka, što znatno ubrzava i pojednostavjuje postupak montaže. 
Pitur shelf contains elements of ready made and minimalism. The structure consists of finished wooden ladders that can be easily found in the market, while the shelves are made ​​of veneered chipboard of standard thickness. Shelf is assembled on a ladder without screws, which significantly simplifies and speeds up the whole process.
Geometrija polica omogućuje njeno korištenje kao izolirani element ili kao dio niza. S obzirom da se izložbeni prostor detaljno može definirati tek kada sve knjige stignu na odredište, fleksibilnost u organizaciji polica postaje imperativ.
Geometry of the shelf allows its use as a single unit or as part of a series. Since the showroom of the book fair is defined only when all the books arrive at the destination, the flexibility in the organization of the shelf becomes necessary.
Polica nastaje iz uske suradnje Pulske grupe i Sajma knjige. Pulski sajam knjige po mnogočemu se razlikuje od sličnih zbivanja u Hrvatskoj,  posebno u pogledu lokacije, organizacije izložbenog prostora i prezentacije  nakladnika.
Sajmovi se obično održavaju u za to predviđenim prostorima,  najčešće velikim halama, koje dozvoljavaju fleksibilno organiziranje štandova.  Kupljeni prostor izlagač uređuje po vlastitom ukusu. Tehnička podrška i logistika prepuštena je za to obučenom osoblju.
Pulski sajam zadnjih se nekoliko godina održava u sugestivnom  ambijentu Doma hrvatskih branitelja, koji predstavlja pravi izazov u pogledu organizacije izložbenog prostora.
The design of the Pitur shelf is a result of a close collaboration between Book Fair organization and Pulska grupa. Book fair in Pula is in so many ways different from similar events in Croatia, especially in terms of location, organization of exhibition space and presentation of publishers.
Fairs are usually held in designated areas, like large halls, which allow flexible organization stands. Exhibitor designs rented space according to its own taste. Technical support and logistics are left to professional personnel.
Pula book fair is on contrary organized for the past few years in the suggestive surroundings of the neo-classic style House of the Army, which is challenging as an exhibition space.

Specifičnost pulskog sajma jest homogenost u organizaciji izložbenog prostora, koji nalikuje knjižnici. Za vrijeme trajanja sajma Pula dobiva najveću knjižaru u Hrvatskoj. U vrlo kratkom vremenu više od 100.000 knjiga mora naći svoje mjesto na policama. Stoga je bilo potrebno osmisliti kvalitetnu, fleksibilnu, jednostavnu, jeftinu ali i atraktivnu policu koja će odgovarati potrebama brze montaže i jednostavnog održavanja.

Specificity of the Pula Book Fair is in its homogeneity of exhibition, which is organized like a library. During the fair, Pula temporary has the largest bookstore in Croatia. In a very short time, more than 100,000 book must find its place on the shelves. Therefore, it was necessary to create a high quality, flexible, simple, inexpensive and attractive shelf that will suit the needs of fast installation and easy maintenance.