Opremanje Vižule


Prostono programska studija eko-arheološkog parka

Cilj ove studije je ispitati mogućnosti opremanja prostora neophodnom infrastrukturom, kako bi se omogućile aktivnosti parka bez oštećivanja postojećih prirodnih i kulturnih specifičnosti na kojima poluotok Vižula u Medulinu gradi svoj potencijal

Equipping Vižula


Spatial study for eco-archeological park

EN txt - missing

Grad postkapitalizma


objavljena knjiga

Iz tiska je upravo izašla novo izdanje Centra za anarhističke studije - Grad postkapitalizma - dokument kongresa „Grad postkapitalizma“ održanog od 14. do 16. kolovoza 2009. godine u Puli. Knjiga ima 240 stranica, 11 x 16 cm, crno bijela i na hrvatskom jeziku. Cijena: 20 kn.

Post-capitalist City


book published

The book Post-capitalist City, published by Center for Anarchist Studies, is made out of lectures held on the conference organized in Pula, 14. to 16. August 2009. The book has 240 pages, 11 x 16 cm, black and white and on croatian language. Price: 20 kn.

Elaborat Muzil


mjerenje napuštenih vojnih zgrada

Grupa stručnjaka i zagrebačkih studenata arhitekture mjerila je od 3. do 16. kolovoza 2009. objekte i stanje na poluotoku Muzil. Cilj tog rada bila je priprema ovog elaborata koji ce poslužiti studentima arhitekture sa nekoliko arhitektonskih fakulteta u Europi da, zajedno sa svojim mentorima, sljedeći semestar počnu promišljati budućnost Muzila

Elaborat Muzil


measuring abandoned military buildings

Team of experts and students from Zagreb measured existing situation and buildings on Muzil from 3rd to 16th of August 2009. The goal of this work was to prepare the material presented in this study. Using this data students of architecture from a few European cities, together with their professors, will work on ideas for future development of Muzil peninsula



Uredba o zaštičenom obalnom pojasu

Uredba o zaštiti obalnog pojasa i mora uvedena je 2004. godine te predstavlja simboličnu prelomnu točku u režimskom tretiranju obale isključivo kao resursa za turističku namjenu, bez obzira da li je ta obala naseljena ili nije, da li na njoj postoje gradovi i zajednice koje ne smatraju da bi se trebale baviti turizmom. Tim činom je uvedena teritorijalna segregacija na one koji žive dalje od 1000 metara od obale i one koji žive bliže od 1000 metara od obale



Regulation on the protection of the coastal area

Regulation on the protection of the coastal area and the sea was introduced in the year 2004. It was the symbolic break point in the regime's treatment of coast solely as a resource necessary for tourist development, regardless of whether the coastal area is populated or not, if there are some cities in the area and communities that don`t want to work in tourist industry. With that act a territorial segregation was implemented on those who live further than 1000 meters from the coast and those who live closer

Pitur polica


Police za Sajam knjiga u Puli

Pitur polica sadrži elemente ready made-a i minimalizma. Konstrukcija se sastoji od gotovih drvenih ljestvi koje se lako mogu naći na tržištu, dok su  police izrađene od furnirane iverice standardne debljine. Police se slažu na ljestve bez vijaka, što znatno ubrzava i pojednostavjuje postupak montaže. 

Pitur shelf


Shelfs for Book Fair in Pula

Pitur shelf contains elements of ready made and minimalism. The structure consists of finished wooden ladders that can be easily found in the market, while the shelves are made ​​of veneered chipboard of standard thickness. Shelf is assembled on a ladder without screws, which significantly simplifies and speeds up the whole process.

Katarina dokument


13. Bijenale mladih umjetnika Europe i Mediterana - Bari 2008

Dokument Katarina dolazi iz male, korumpirane, sredozemne zemlje. U pretvorbi koju diktira neoliberalna ekonomija Sredozemlje je izgubilo sve osim turizma, a pridobilo je kilometre napuštenih lučkih, industrijskih i vojnih postrojenja uz samu obalu. Sljedeći logičan korak u takvoj pretvorbi je prenamijena svega praznoga u turističke kapacitete.

Katarina document


13th Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean - Bari 2008

Document Katarina comes from a small, corrupted Mediterranean country. In the last economic transformation, which is dictated by neo-liberalism, Mediterranean Sea has lost everything except tourism and in the same time it gained vast kilometers of abandoned ports, industrial and military facilities on the coast. The next move of privatization on the Mediterranean should be transforming everything what is empty into tourist capacities.

Crveni plan Pule


slika grada u vremenu kasnog kapitalizma

Crveni plan je plan za grad koji se nalazi u alarmantnom (crvenom) stanju. Prvi korak u izradi takvog plana je uočavanje crvenih ili kriznih polja. U tu svrhu proizvedena je «mapa krize» grada Pule koja prikazuje jednu sliku grada u vremenu kasnog kapitalizma

Red plan of Pula


the image of the city in the age of late capitalism

Red plan is a plan for the city that is in an alarming (red) state. As a first step in the creation of such a plan, we need to locate the red or critical spots. In order to do that, we created a "crisis map" of Pula: an image of the city in the age of late capitalism