Je repars á zero notesi


proizvod Sare Perović

Notesi je repars á zero, koje oblikuje i proizvodi Sara Perović, nastali su kao kombinacija potreba za reciklažom uredskog papira i željom za ugodnim notesom za bilješke.

Je repars á zero notebooks


product by Sara Perović

Notebooks je repars á zero are designed and produced by Sara Perović as a combination of a neccesity to recycle pre-used office paper whilst having the convenience of a document folder available.

Pitur polica


Police za Sajam knjiga u Puli

Pitur polica sadrži elemente ready made-a i minimalizma. Konstrukcija se sastoji od gotovih drvenih ljestvi koje se lako mogu naći na tržištu, dok su  police izrađene od furnirane iverice standardne debljine. Police se slažu na ljestve bez vijaka, što znatno ubrzava i pojednostavjuje postupak montaže. 

Pitur shelf


Shelfs for Book Fair in Pula

Pitur shelf contains elements of ready made and minimalism. The structure consists of finished wooden ladders that can be easily found in the market, while the shelves are made ​​of veneered chipboard of standard thickness. Shelf is assembled on a ladder without screws, which significantly simplifies and speeds up the whole process.